Millux, leading in micro-precision laser processing

Visual identity

Precision laser processing for industrial applications

Millux was founded in 1988. In recent years, the company has continued to innovate and invest in the latest laser techniques. As a result, Millux has grown into a leading player in the field of laser drilling, laser engraving, laser cutting, laser welding and laser micro-machining.

The company has been part of Veco Precision since May 2017. Veco Precision is a technology house that, in addition to Millux, consists of Veco and Tecan. These organizations are located in Eerbeek and Dorset (UK). These companies join forces as leading micro-precision producers based on the technologies of electroforming, etching and lasering.

Together they produce precision parts for machines in various industries, such as inkjet printers, semiconductors, healthcare, food and the automotive industry.


A new name, a new identity

Following the organizational changes, a new name and matching identity has been developed and launched. The name Millux comes from the English milling (milling) and the Latin lux (light). The newly developed identity ties in with the group identity in terms of atmosphere and appearance, but still has clear own style characteristics.

In the coming years, Millux will continue its path of growth in order to continue to invest in technology, people and knowledge.




At the start of the development of the visual identity, extensive discussions and a look into the kitchen were preceded. The input obtained provides inspiration for the development of the concept. The concept elaboration includes a representation of corporate identity, website, visual language and other online offline expressions.

The outlined visual language in the visual identity concept forms the starting point for the concrete elaboration of the word and logo in conjunction with the pay-off. And then the application in corporate identity (print, interior, exterior). The corporate identity is briefly summarized in a corporate identity manual. Color, typography, corporate identity elements, icons, et cetera are guaranteed.

A new name requires the use of communication channels to make this known. Link Magazine, link between technology, market and people is a relevant platform for Millux. Advertising (link magazine combined with editorial content) in this magazine and on the website therefore delivers the desired results.